Thursday, April 8, 2010
NBC's "Parenthood" - The Big O
Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
“I don’t know when things got bad,” Kristen said, wiping away tears. “I feel like I’ve lost you and I don’t know what will bring you back.”In reality she hadn’t lost me. She’d found me. The facade of semi-normalcy I’d struggled to maintain was falling away, revealing the person I’d been since childhood... During the years Kristen and I dated, I was on my best behavior. When I slipped, she seemed to find my eccentricity endearing... On a friendly level, and for short periods of time, I was able to sustain a wonderful version of myself... But Kristen was living with me [now, and] there was no longer anywhere ... to hide. [Read the entire article at here.]
Grace has restless leg syndrome (a condition where those suffering from it feel tingling sensations in their legs and incidentally need to jolt to shake out the tingling), and initially she would refuse to sleep next to me whenever she had really bad bouts of it. Sometimes she would just get up in the middle of the night to sleep on the couch. One night while grumbling and gathering her pillow to sleep outside, I told her, "Grace, if you need to kick it out, just kick it out!" And to this day I'll get startled awake to her rapid, Chun-Li kicks in bed.
And this is also how I approached her Asperger's. When I first became suspicious, I attempted to really embrace all of her odd behavior so that she didn't feel that she needed to hide away or be alone to be comfortable. And once you establish that trust (I won't get irritated when you start kicking your legs into the night. I won't make fun of your obsession with yo-yos. I will listen intently to your fun aspie fact of the day), she will gladly share her entire life with you.
My apologies for the infrequent updates.
I've become acquainted with a woman who married an aspie and bore an aspie son. My interview with her to come in the next few weeks!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
"ON OUR FIRST DATE"INT. HAMA SUSHI, LITTLE TOKYOCINDY...yeah, and I don't necessarily even think pedophilia is disgusting. It's just a social construct...GRACE... yeah, totally. To each his own, y'know?END FLASHBACK
Tuesday, March 9, 2010