ASPIE CHARACTERISTIC: HOARDING (a by-product of repetitive interests and behavior)
This is probably one of my favorite of Grace's aspie moves. When having an aspie partner, the unraveling period can be especially fun because when they're ready to bring their obsessive hobbying out of the woodwork, you're bombarded with an awe-inspiring amount of ...stuff. Lucky for me, I actually find Grace's hobbies genuinely interesting. Imagine if she collected used paper cups (I spoke with a mother whose aspie son did this. True story).
From the top image and down, Grace's very enthusiastic interests include (but are not limited to):
Film Cameras + Film: This was the first hobby that I became acquainted with. I initially didn't think anything strange about it; in fact, I myself took a liking to this interest and added four of my own cameras to her collection. She has over twenty cameras and is basically an encyclopedia for film cameras.
Sticker Collection: This picture does not do her sticker collection justice. This one awards her the most geek points. She has probably over three-hundred individual stickers. Just a guess.
Skateboard Decks: These made their debut while Grace was completely drunk and hosting her birthday party. It was also the first time I had ever seen them. She just kept pulling them out of these boxes and stacking them on my friend's lap and then passed out 10 minutes later. She has around 30 decks? And I think some are hidden away at her parents' house?
Yo-Yos: Her current love. She practices at least one hour per day (and is getting very good if I might add) and has become an enclopedic resource on all things yo-yo. The above picture is only around half of her collection. She has around 80 in total.
Tell me, whose partner is as fantastically unique and quirky as mine?!
Grace has made this compulsion very easy on me because she's incredibly considerate. She hides things. She has only a few yo-yos out at a time and I never see the rest of her collection as they're neatly stored away in cases and boxes. But if Grace's hoarding ever began to irk me, I'd just politely suggest that she store her stuff in a safe place that wasn't in immediate view. Aspies can be socially retarded, but not socially stupid and selfish, so I think sometimes they just need cues. Whatever friction Grace and I may have is usually reconciled through straight-forward and polite discourse. Remember, aspies aren't the best at guessing what you're grumbling about, so get a clear dialogue going. Like any rational human being, they'll be willing to accommodate or compromise. Unless your aspie so happens to be a dick.
I would also suggest establishing a real and honest interest in your aspie's hobbies.
Note to self/To come: I want to discuss the importance of manners. Also, NT partners taking on aspie characteristics, erroneously attributing other quirks to aspiness, childhood awkwardness, poor communication (ESL, ceiling eyes), AFFD,,
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